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  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, involves having obsessive thinking patterns that can include unwanted thoughts, images or urges that make a person feel anxious or distressed.

    Individuals who have OCD often have significant difficulty pushing away or ignoring these thoughts. Those with OCD also have compulsive behaviors which are an attempt to reverse the obsessive thoughts or urges by performing some sort of action.

    Common signs, according to the Mayo Clinic, of OCD are:

    • Intrusive thoughts
    • Constant checking
    • Constant counting
    • The repeated cleaning of one or more items
    • Constantly checking the stove or door locks
    • Fear of contamination
    • Hoarding
    • Thoughts that you might be harmed
    • Thoughts that you might cause others harm

    If one or more of the above symptoms resonates with you, I encourage you to look into OCD therapy with us today. Research shows that the most effective therapy for OCD is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).

    We are passionate about working with clients with OCD and other similar anxiety conditions. In addition to CBT with ERP, we will also incorporate mindfulness and work with you to separate the your identity from the OCD. Separating your identity from the OCD allows you to decrease shame regarding your symptoms and feel more empowered to work toward recovery. 

    Depending on your age and situation, we sometimes incorporate occasional couple’s, family or parent-child sessions as needed. We will only do this if you are willing and ready for family participation (except in the case of child and adolescent therapy where it is essential to include this in a gradual manner). The purpose of these sessions is to educate the client’s loved ones about OCD, teach them how to support your recovery, compassionately set limits regarding their involvement in OCD rituals, and help you work with your partner or family as a team against the OCD rather than allowing the OCD to become an ongoing source of conflict or avoidance in the relationship.

    Contact us today for a free consultation.

    If you are looking to:

    – Experience faster anxiety relief with the help of others

    – Feel more grounded

    – And experience your life in the moment

    …Then check out our extra support services below!